Volunteer Telford

Volunteer Telford

East Shropshire Talking Newspaper For The Blind (ESTN) is based in Telford and provides a FREE weekly USB memory stick of local news and features including items from the local press and other publications, such as Shropshire Magazine and Info sound, alongside items produced in-house by the ESTN team; covering a wide range of subjects and matters of interest.

We are staffed entirely by volunteers, and operate solely via voluntary donations from both individuals and organisations, for example Local Councils and Social organisations. We receive no government or private funding as a matter of course.

The service is free, and eligibility is that subscribers should either be registered as blind, or have close-up vision (with spectacles) of N12 or less. (This can be confirmed by an Ophthalmic Optician or Ophthalmologist). People with other forms of disability may also be eligible.

We also provide a USB (Memory Stick) player on permanent loan if the listener doesn’t have one of their own.

Our current volunteering roles include:

Sound Recording Engineer

Copying Co-Ordinator

Copying Team (Cover)



East Shropshire Talking Newspaper

C/o The Wrekin Housing Group Ltd

Colliers Way

Old Park





Chris Pitchford

Tel: 01952 373007

This is an answerphone, but please do leave a message, including your name and number, as we pick these up regularly, and promise to respond as soon as possible.

Email: eastshropshiretn@gmail.com 

Web:  https://eastshropshiretn.co.uk/