Support in the process of enabling victims and perpetrators of crime to come together to collectively repair and find a positive way forward.
Approx. 3hrs per week
/p>Suitable for -
We are a Christian charity that collects unwanted usable tools, refurbishes them, sorts them into trade tool kits and sends them to the developing world for livelihood creation.
Church Ambassadors are our face and contact with the local Church. We are a Christian mission relying entirely on the goodness, leading, and provision of God, and we need His Church to stand with us.
Our Church Ambassadors encourage their Church to pray by distributing the Prayer Diary or arranging prayer events. They also arrange Coffee Mornings to raise funds and promote the work. They ask for TWAM to be mentioned in notices or chosen for special collections. Overall, the Church Ambassadors keep TWAM close to the heart of the congregation.
What are we looking for?
You will be committed to serving your local Church and wanting to share the work and heart of TWAM for prayer and support.
You will be involved in your local Church and, therefore, somebody who will be listened to when leaders and members choose the charities the Church will support.
What will you be doing?
Church Ambassadors play a vital role in the local church on behalf of TWAM. They inform the church of our mission and plans, such as opening new centres and introducing new supported countries.
They encourage prayer and distribute TWAM News and our Prayer Diary. They ask the church to consider TWAM for Harvest and other special offerings and invite Community Ambassadors to speak at the church.
Church Ambassadors can organise local tool collections and work with our Tool Ambassadors and Community Ambassadors to bring the local church into the heart of all we do.
What difference will you make?
TWAM needs the support of the local Church and the uplifting, life changing prayers of its people. By encouraging prayer and support, you will be integral to the growth of TWAM and its reliance on God.
Volunteer benefits
You’ll be central to the ‘Kingdom Building’ ministry of TWAM in the UK and overseas. You will see people in your own Church engaging with TWAM and praying and supporting us. Lives will be changed in Jesus’ name because of your support.
A friendly and engaging character that can encourage people to support our cause. Somebody who is able to enthuse the local Church with the heart and passion of TWAM.
In your local Church.
It’s really up to you and how much you are willing and able to do. We would ask that you regularly try and promote TWAM to your local Church through events, handouts, and notices